Boarding Reservations

Overnight Boarding and Day Boarding Reservation Form

Thanks for considering Meegan Kennels for your pet’s boarding location.  Please use this form to reserve time in advance and ensure you have a space for your pet.

Note:  If you do not have a signed Service Agreement Form on file you will need to include this with your reservationClick here for that form.

    Boarding Reservation Start Date & End Date:

    Pet Owner First Name*

    Pet Owner Last Name*

    Your Email*

    Pet Name(s)





    Street Address

    City, State, ZIP

    Home Phone

    Cell Phone

    Pet's Vet Company Name

    Vet Phone

    Emergency Contact Name

    Emergency Phone

    Other Message

    ————– Agreement ————–

    This agreement is between pet owner and Meegan Kennels, LLC.

    Pet owner certifies that their pet is in good health and has not injured or shown aggression or threatening behavior to any person or other animal. Meegan Kennels reserves the right to refuse services to any pets showing aggressive or threatening behavior. Pet owner agrees that Meegan Kennels has the right to decline reservation requests if their pet is not current on all required vaccinations, or hasn’t been vaccinated prior to 7 days prior to the boarding date.

    Meegan Kennels agrees to exercise due diligence and care in the guardianship of the pet, and to keep the facility properly enclosed and sanitary.

    Pet Owner agrees that any problems with their pet, behavioral, medical or otherwise will be treated as deemed best by staff or agents of Meegan Kennels in their sole discretion, and in what they view as the best interest of the animal. If the pet should become in need of veterinary care, the pet owner grants Meegan Kennels, its owners, employees or agents permission to transport their pet to a veterinarian for treatment and agree to pay all costs associated with said treatment. Pet Owner assumes full financial responsibility and all liability for any and all expenses involved in regards to the behavior and health of their pet.

    The owner further agrees to be solely responsible for any and all acts or behavior of this pet while it is in the care of Meegan Kennels, to include payment of costs for injury to staff or other animals or damage to facilities caused by the pet.

    Pet Owner hereby releases and agrees to hold harmless Jody Green and Meegan Kennels, LLC, its employees, owners and agents from any and all liability of any nature, for injury or damage, including that which may result from the action of any animal at Meegan Kennels; and Pet Owner expressly assumes the risk, including financial, of such damage or injury while their pet is in the care of Meegan Kennels.

    Owner agrees that their pet may be videotaped and/or photographed. Meegan Kennels will be the owner of the resulting media and the owner grants Meegan Kennels the right to use photos or videos in published material promoting or advertising Meegan Kennels.